Strategic Plan

Back in 2019 we worked extensively with an expert consultant to get a Strategic Plan in place for NZPF. This idea was to create a blueprint to guide us in our mission to facilitate and support more sports skydiving in NZ through to the end of 2022. We are still very...

Social Media Coordinator

We recently created a Social Media Coordinator to improve our presence on social media. We want to use our social media outlets to better communicate with our members, to showcase NZ skydiving, to educate about skydiving, to let you know about skydiving events and to...

Ladies Record

We planned to attempt a new NZ Ladies RW record in April 2020. We were aiming for a 20 way. After completion of a series of training camps Covid had other plans… and the record attempt was postponed. We are pleased to announce that plans to reschedule the record...

Events Calendar

Keep up to date with all skydiving events in NZ by checking out our Events Calendar. If you’d like to see your skydiving event on our calendar then please send an email to